A family from the Ithaca area, the Foglesong family believes in giving back to those who have helped and are making a difference in our world. For them, that means supporting McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital and its foundation.
The Foglesongs were first introduced to the hospital years ago when a family member needed a total knee replacement at the orthopedic care unit. Over time, this relationship blossomed into a lifelong doctor/patient friendship that still stands today.
“We value the great care and service they [MGLF] provided for all our many services over the years, as well as in the final days of our dear wife, mother and grandmother, Ruth Ann Foglesong,” Jennifer Foglesong said.
In fact, the Foglesongs chose to start giving to the McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation as their way to honor Ruth Ann Foglesong, who had a passion for always giving back. They said the McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation is an organization they see the good in — one that is helping make a positive change to health care, which is important to their family.
“We are supporting McLaren Greater Lansing Foundation as our way to give back to those have who helped make a difference in our world. We have always felt the utmost respect from the outstanding doctors, nurses and staff at McLaren Greater Lansing and believe in helping give back to those who care,” Jennifer said. “McLaren Greater Lansing provides the bridge to making connections with its community by finding ways to give back and allows for its donors to help create a life-changing sponsorship. This organization finds a way not only to create those opportunities but continues to be a great gift to the Lansing area.
“Supporting McLaren Greater Lansing is not only about helping build a future but helping today’s doctors, nurses and staff as they help heal us in all ranges of opportunities. By supporting the foundation, we are helping give back and supporting a foundation that is making a difference along with an organization [MGL Hospital] that will be around for many years to come,” Jennifer said.